
May 14th, 2009
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Author:  ST3 Diesel [ May 14th, 2009, 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  May 14th, 2009

3.5 miles for the day, 14 for the week, it was really windy and dry today which made the air really dusty. It was disgusting to run, I guess it wasn't as bad as smog but pretty close. My eyes got really dry. Good thing is if I can squeeze in a longer run on Saturday (like around 6) I can hit 20 miles for the week which would be a nice solid base to work from. When running you shouldn't increase your mileage more than 10% each week which would mean I would be about 5 weeks away from 30 miles which is my dream base mileage. I could then go into training mode for Disneyland after that which wouldn't take that long (if I was doing 10 mile runs I'd just need about 3-4 weeks of longer runs to get my half marathon time up). So that's my plan, which is good because Disneyland is 16 weeks away. I think I'll be in shape gives me lots of flex time for set backs. I'd like to be able to run it between 1:45-1:50ish.

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