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 Holiday Drivers - This post rated T for Teen. 
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Post Holiday Drivers - This post rated T for Teen. December 14th, 2009, 10:21 pm
I don't know why I'm posting here, because the people I'd like to complain to or slap upside the head will never visit this forum. However I do think this is a great place to vent frustrations.

I feel Holiday drivers are already becoming insane. I had someone who wouldn't stop for me as I walked across the parking lot because I didn't have a cross walk (nor was there a cross-walk within 100 feet). I've had people come blazing around corners at 40 a parking lot. It's yet to happen to me this Christmas, but before I've had people risk damage to their car in order to take a parking place from me in which I was rightfully waiting on.

My question is why? I can understand speeding, it gets you where you want to go faster. Yet there is a time and a place for speeding. It's not on residential roads. It's not in parking lots. It's not in bumper to bumper freeway traffic. Why must people speed everywhere. In school zones, on rainy days, or even in construction zones.

So here's to you Mr./Mrs. Holiday Driver. Don't be a douche. Drive kind. Be safe. And Happy Holidays!



What a strange game, the only winning move is not to play.

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